Spot and Stain Removal

11/7/14 - Spot and Stain Removal - Bellefonte, PA

Continued from our main Blog Page

Received an early morning call and was asked if I could come out as quickly as possible to clean a carpet. Unfortunately, the client's elderly relative could not make it to the bathroom in time. Of course I told them I would be able to help them in their time of need.

Spot and Stain Removal - Carpet Cleaning - Bellefonte, PA Spot and Stain Removal - Carpet Cleaning - Bellefonte, PA 

The client stated that the odor was horrific and tried to clean up the mess themselves.

Cleaning this carpet requires more than just a general cleaning. Not only did we have to clean the carpet, but we had to flush out the pad and thoroughly decontaminate the area. 

After we were finished, not only did the carpet look like new again but it smelled great too!


Servicing State College, Bellefonte and most of Centre County.

Call us today at 814-355-1762 or email us at