
After Cleaning Care Instructions

After our professional service technician has cleaned your carpet, some simple precautions should be observed for best results.

  • Please minimize traffic on the carpet and remember walking from a wet carpet onto a hard surface can be very slippery!
  • For their health and safety, please keep children and pets off recently cleaned carpet until completely dry.
  • To avoid stains or rust spots, please don't remove any pads or blocks our technicians may have placed under furniture until the carpet is completely dry.
  • If a Fabric Protection was applied after cleaning, drying time may be lengthened. Please allow 24 hours before heavy carpet use.
  • Carpet drying time can vary widely due to the density of your carpet, humidity and the degree of soil. To promote faster drying, ventilate the area as much as outside weather allows, and increase air circulation. Carpet drying time may vary from only 4 hours under ideal conditions to as much as 24 hours in wet and humid months.

Drying Tip: In warmer weather, keep the temperature as cool as possible. Air conditioners dehumidify the air. Turn on ceiling fans to circulate air. Set your HVAC fan to 'on' instead of 'auto'. Ideal drying temperature is around 68°-72°.